
Tennebrae: Darkness and the Universality of Paradox

I was asked to deliver a devotional to the cast of about 15 people before the service “The Reign of Darkness” which tells the story of the passion of Christ. My Dad composed it by choosing the scriptures and songs to be recited or sung in a dark sanctuary. Last night both Molly (14) and Anna Cate (18) had parts and were in the room as I shared a message about my personal history with a Tenebrae service and my faith. Marcus J. Borg, a New Testament Christian theologian said “Myth is stories about the way things never were, but always are.” Once I shared that struggle with my Baptist minister in Virginia and I love his interpretation. Larry said to think of it like Jesus saying “I have the way to the Father --- follow me.” So I’ve embraced that Jesus is my way as I learn from His experiencing the human condition and showing me the way to the Father. I remember the first one I ever attended -- I was probably around 14….we went to Nashville to the Scottish Rites lodge and I remember Da

Curiosity in 2023

My word of 2023 and intentions to write more often.   Oh, I have so many intentions of getting back into a regular practice of writing!  I love words and ideas so much and though I haven't written very often on my other blog, the one I've had since Molly was a baby, I still have a writer's spirit. Experiences and thoughts rumble around in my head about how I would describe, where I would find the good, or how I would spin it with meaning in the context of putting words to life in a way that soothes my soul. But alas, I don't sit down to actually do it! This newest blog, on Curiosity, came about because of a great story that happened over Christmas break last year in 2022. I took my parents' van, my parents, both in their 70s, and all four grandchildren to visit my Aunt and Uncle in East Tennessee.  On the way there, we got a flat tire. It was very stressful, and made more so by our situation traveling!  We got up to a gas station, and I was sitting there trying to s